Rebabelizing the Philippines: On the Ayta Mag-antsi language

Presentation Date: 

Friday, May 31, 2013


7th National Social Science Congress, PSSCenter, Quezon City

Since the late 20th century, there has been a growing concern for the “deaths/murders/suicides” of languages around the world, brought about by various pressures such as economic policies, politics, and contacts between societies. Social scientists, particularly linguists, have taken heed of this situation, and consequently, initiated the task of recording, if not resuscitating, such languages. This panel presents current researches on the linguistic situation in the Philippines, attempts being made at language revitalisation, and endeavours in language documentation. It will be shown that the case of the archipelagic Philippines is not uniform; on the one hand, there are communities that are affected by language endangerment. On the other hand, there are efforts at preserving these languages by maintaining a stable condition of bi-/multilingualism through interventionist apparatuses sponsored by the state and the community.

Co-presenters: Jay-Ar M. Igno and Francisco C. Rosario, Jr.