
ChemE 143 Chemical Engineering Research I


Second Term


2020 - 2021
Application of selected topics in Design of Experiments to chemical engineering research; conceptualization and proposal writing for a chemical engineering research project

ChemE 146: Chemical Process Development Simulation


First Term


2020 - 2021
Application of engineering economics to process flow development and industrial plant design; general chemical process design considerations; simulation and optimization of processes

ChE 198/298: Principles of Sustainable Engineering


First Term


2020 - 2021

Course description

This course provides future engineers with the knowledge and tools to make engineering decisions and take actions that contribute positively to the economy, society and the environment. The multi-disciplinary and quantitative approach of this course will introduce the Sustainable Development Goals, material and energy flow analysis, life cycle impact assessment, and sustainability reporting.

Credit: 3 units

Prerequisites: 3rd year standing (UG...

Read more about ChE 198/298: Principles of Sustainable Engineering