Language and Place in Poro, Camotes, Cebu

Presentation Date: 

Thursday, October 3, 2024


2024 Critical Island Studies Conference

This paper analyzes the encoding of place in the Porohanon language (ISO 639-3 code prh), spoken by approximately 26,000 people primarily in the Municipality of Poro, Camotes Islands, Cebu, Philippines (Santiago, 2023). In this study, “encoding of place” encompasses: i.) terms for cardinal directions and their specific geographic reference points on the island of Poro and its neighboring regions, ii.) a highly elaborate lexicon for fishing and maritime travel, and iii.) mixed grammatical features with the languages of neighboring islands. I contend that cutting across these three general areas is a close relationship between Poro’s high relative insularity and the Porohanon language. Through ethnographic and linguistic data gathered during fieldwork in the years 2018 and 2022, a key informant interview, analysis of primary historical sources (Alcina [Main Author], Kobak, & Gutiérrez [Translators & Annotators], 2002), municipal fiesta souvenir programs, and content uploaded in the Facebook page Camotes Balirong Vlog (Camotes Balirong Vlog, n.d.), an argument for acknowledging “islandness” as manifested in a language’s structure is forwarded. The strongest version of this argument–that the natural environment automatically determines the structure of a language–is rejected in favor of a more nuanced consideration of the connection; that the environment must have some role in shaping the structures possible and available for a language’s users.


Keywords: Porohanon; Island Languages; Island Studies; Environmental Possibilism




Alcina, F. I. (Main Author), Kobak, C. J. & Gutiérrez, L. (Trans. & Annot.). (2002). History of the Bisayan people in the Philippine islands: Evangelization and culture at the contact period (Vol. 1). University of Sto. Tomas Publishing House.


Camotes Balirong Vlog. (n.d.). Home [Facebook page]. Facebook. Retrieved April 24, 2024, from


Santiago, V.C. (2023). A Grammatical Sketch of Porohanon [Unpublished master’s thesis]. University of the Philippines Diliman.