A Field Report on Iraya: Preliminary Findings on Language Vitality and Morphosyntax


Elsie Marie Or and Ivan Paul Bondoc. 1/12/2018. “A Field Report on Iraya: Preliminary Findings on Language Vitality and Morphosyntax.” In The NINJAL-SGRL-UHM Linguistics Workshop: Grammatical Descriptions of Endangered and Understudied Languages and Dialects in East Asia and Beyond. University of Hawaii at Manoa. Publisher's Version


We present preliminary findings on the language vitality and morphosyntactic properties of a language at risk of being endangered, Iraya. Iraya is a language spoken by one of the eight indigenous Mangyan groups on the island of Mindoro, Philippines. Research on Iraya has been very limited, only covering its genetic relationship with other Mangyan and Philippine languages (Zorc, 1974; Barbian, 1977; Reid, 2017), or with its phonology and morphology. This study aimed to fill in these gaps by investigating the morphosyntactic properties of the language, as well as its language vitality.
Last updated on 03/13/2022