Doing Philosophy

1. Reading. See Concepción, DW (2004). Reading philosophy with background knowledge and metacognition. Teaching Philosophy, 27, 351–368
How to read philosophy. What background information is required. Compare that with reading, say, a scientific paper.

2. Writing. See Pryor, Jim (2012). Guidelines on Writing a Philosophy Paper
What to do in a philosophy paper. Stages of writing.

3. Posing and solving problems. See Hacker, PMS (2006). What is a philosophical Problem? Think 4 (12): 17-28
What counts as a philosophical problem? What do philosophers do other than teach us to detect  ‘higher forms of nonsense'? See also this related 2013 Hacker piece.


Overall guide: "The pink guide to philosophy" offers tips on reading and writing in the field, with some debunking of some myths to boot.