1. Reading. See Concepción, DW (2004). Reading philosophy with background knowledge and metacognition. Teaching Philosophy, 27, 351–368
How to read philosophy. What background information is required. Compare that with reading, say, a scientific paper.
2. Writing. See Pryor, Jim (2012). Guidelines on Writing a Philosophy Paper.
What to do in a philosophy paper. Stages of writing.
3. Posing and solving problems. See Hacker, PMS (2006). What is a philosophical Problem? Think 4 (12): 17-28
What counts as a philosophical problem? What do philosophers do other than teach us to detect ‘higher forms of nonsense'? See also this related 2013 Hacker piece.
Overall guide: "The pink guide to philosophy" offers tips on reading and writing in the field, with some debunking of some myths to boot.