Alreen-Nadzrif L. Sakandal
BSCE 2020, cum laude, Undergraduate Research Project Title: Development of Building Response-Augmented Virtual Environment (BRAVE) Postprocessing Tool: Combining BIM and FE Analysis Results in X3D with Game Logic Programming
A framework was generated to address the challenges related to visualizing the seismic response of a building in aid of on-site inspection. The framework involves the development of a postprocessing tool, called Building Response-Augmented Virtual Environment or BRAVE, which consists of three parts: (1) BIM Modelling, (2) FE analysis results in Virtual Environment (VE) modelling, (3) and Game Logic Programming. The semi-realistic 3D model of the building derived from its BIM model is augmented with the structural analysis results VE modeled in X3D which define the environment of BRAVE. The tool, being a game application, enables off-site evaluation of a building and eliminates the use of specialized softwares for postprocessed information access. As an application example, the developed framework was applied to an off-site inspection of the first floor of U.P. Centennial Residence Hall II. Through the visualized composite results of multiple seismic loading scenarios, it was found that the areas of the building with high stresses are concentrated around the openings (windows and doors) and bottom of the walls. Such results demonstrate the advantage of using BRAVE together with high-resolution modeling tools in contributing to the advancement of strategies for disaster preparation and response.
Keywords: BIM, FEM, Virtual Environment (VE), VE Modeling, X3D, Game Logic Programming