Delivery Van Tracking System


Villareal DD, Guzman BDF, Jose KMDC, Macapagal PR. Delivery Van Tracking System. AMA Computer College. 2013.

Thesis Type:

IT Capstone


Introduction Hijacking cases especially in commercial cargoes and delivery vans has become a nuisance to industrial growth and can also be considered as an act of economic sabotage because of its detrimental effect of trade and industry. This crime continue to plague the country’s roads, more so in major cities in Philippines so it pays to be ready careful and know better ways on how to avoid this incidents. There are some issues that owners of delivery vans need to be able to handle. First is locating the specific information of the delivery vans. Since owners of large enterprise businesses are responsible for a huge number of assets, being able to locate the assets can be like finding the proverbial needle in a hay stack of data, resulting in wasted time and needless frustration. Secondly is the controlling of unauthorized use of assets. Business owners are unable to monitor all assets effectively. Misuse of company assets, such as using delivery vans outside of work hours or outside of designated areas can result in additional cost of the company. The proponents came up to tap modern technology in solving these issues and propose a system called Delivery Van Tracking System. This system aims to develop a low cost wireless tracking system utilizing both GPS and Internet technology. It provides wide accessibility to the location data collected by tracking devices while still providing updated information of the delivery van being tracked. More specifically, the World Wide Web was used as a distribution medium for the location data and a smartphone device was used to give the tracking system to report location in a wireless manner. The server application is made from PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor which is capable of creating web-based application and MySQL as the database which keeps all the data and information needed by the system. The server application sends to and receive data from android device using ISP, GPRS and 3G connections as the medium while the android device, which has a built-in GPS, receives the data and then returns information regarding its location. The proponents created an application programming interface (API) for Android device where the user can communicate to the server conveniently instead of using another computer. Significance of the study The results and findings of the study will be beneficial to the following: To the beneficiaries. The proposed system will provide an accurate tracking system which reports are updated regularly to the business owners for monitoring of their delivery vans. To future researchers. The proposed study will serve as their reference for conducting research study regarding tracking system. Statement of the problem In the past, business owners do not have a tracking system to locate their delivery vans. As a result, the possibility of misuse of delivery vans is vast. The main problem is how the business owner will monitor the delivery vans during operation. Specifically, the research will seek answers to the following questions: 1. How to locate a delivery van using smartphone devices? 2. How the business owner will be informed about the operations of the proposed system? 3. How the system will elevate the security of the delivery vans? Objectives of the study The objective of this thesis is to develop a feasible tracking system that will provide periodical information of the delivery vans to the business owners. Another objective is to analyze and give possible solutions for the following problems proponents have been identified: • Accuracy – location of delivery vans are not precise. • Reliability – chances of misuse of delivery vans are enormous. • Speed – tracking of delivery vans takes more time as it is done manually. • Security – the proposed system secures the information of both the location and the user. • User-friendly – the proposed system is easy to use Scopes and limitations of the proposed system The system will allow the business owners to locate delivery vans using smartphones. It can transmit information through network service providers. It has two- minute time interval for updated information in the server. Also, the server can receive information coming from the device using web services. The system cannot transmit and detect the current location when it is out of coverage area and when the network provider is congested and under maintenance. The device must be connected on the power supply approximately after 5-8 hours of use because GPS and 3G connection consumes more battery life. The smartphone must be Android version 2.3.6 and above. Lastly, not all establishments are included in the Google Map server. Definition of terms 3G (Third Generation). is a term used to represent the 3rd generation of mobile telecommunications technology. Android. is a Linux-based operating system designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Application programming interface (API) is a protocol intended to be used as an interface by software components to communicate with each other. Cross-platform. refers to the ability of software to operate on more than one platform with identical (or nearly identical) functionality. General Packet Radio Service (GPRS). is a packet oriented mobile data service on the 2G and 3G cellular communication system's global system for mobile communications (GSM). Global Positioning System (GPS). is a satellite-based navigation system made up of a network of 24 satellites placed into orbit by the U.S. Department of Defense.