"Self-Reported Delinquency of High School Students in Metro Manila Gender and Social Class"


Gutierrez, Filomin C, and Donald J Shoemaker. 2008. “"Self-Reported Delinquency of High School Students in Metro Manila Gender and Social Class"”. Youth and Society 40 (1):55-84. Copy at http://www.tinyurl.com/ybfw47sm


Self-report data were gathered from 633 students from public and private schools in metro Manila, Philippines. The study finds overall delinquency prevalence to be higher among males than females but not significantly different from one socioeconomic class to another. Gender and class differentials, however, are found for different types of delinquency (overt property, covert property, theft, swindling, vandalism, drug abuse, alcohol and cigarettes, and status offenses). Violent offenses and more public forms of delinquency are found to be high among lower-class boys, whereas covert types of delinquency are high among the middle- and upper-class students. Of interest, among females, upper-class girls consistently have the highest self-reported delinquency rates.

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Last updated on 05/27/2014