ICSOS-11 11th International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces 2014

July 21, 2014

to be held on 21 - 25 July 2014 in the University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom.

For more details, here are conference weblink and programme. A poster-announcement in .pdf is also attached.

The International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces series provides a forum to assess the status of atomic-scale and nanoscale structure determination of surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures, and the relationships between such structure and physical and chemical properties.

Topics include atomic positions, bond lengths and bond angles of clean and adsorbate surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures; nanoscale morphology; their roles in determining electronic, optical, vibrational, chemical and dynamic properties; applications to phase transitions, disordering, defect formation, crystal growth, interface diffusion, segregation and chemical reactivity.

The meetings also serve to highlight the development of new and advanced experimental techniques for structure determination, and of sophisticated theoretical methods for modelling surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures.

The commitment is to make each ICSOS meeting provide the most complete forum in its time where important structural challenges at surfaces, interfaces and nanomaterials are assessed with different approaches, and from which wider-ranging applications have been stimulated.

The tone of each meeting is set by the choice of focus topics and invited speakers. High standards are maintained throughout by selecting further papers for presentation from the abstracts submitted.

ICSOS-11 will continue to award the Surface Structure Prize (for outstanding achievement in the field of surface and interface structure) and the ICSOS Young Scientist Prize (for a current or recent PhD student in surface, interface and nanostructure). Further details are now available.  

ICSOS will be conducted in accordance with IUPAP principles as stated in the resolution passed by the General Assembly in 2008. In particular, no bona fide scientist will be excluded from participation on the grounds of national origin, nationality, or political considerations unrelated to science.

The ICSOS conference series also maintains a Surface Structure Information web site athttp://www.ap.cityu.edu.hk/SurfStrucInfo/SurfStrucInfo.htm

Confirmed speakers

Low energy electron microscopy and micro-diffraction
Michael Altman, Hong Kong, China

Interplay between charge transfer and supramolecular self-assembly at metal-organic interfaces
Giovanni Costantini, Coventry, UK 

Structure and adsorption at oxide surfaces
Ulrike Diebold, Vienna, Austria

Molecular recognition among chiral molecules probed by STM and electron diffraction
Karl-Heinz Ernst, Zurich, Switzerland

The effect of local environment on the electronic properties of single molecules
Katharina Franke, Berlin, Germany

Surface structures of complex metallic alloys: first principles calculations combined with experimental data 
Emilie Gaudry, Nancy, France

Individual molecules investigated by scanning probe microscopy with functionalised tips
Leo Gross, Zurich, Switzerland

Detecting the atomic-scale behaviour of hydrogen on beryllium and tungsten surfaces via direct recoil spectroscopy
Robert Kolasinski, Albuquerque, USA

Structural and electronic properties of metal-organic contacts and heteromolecular hybrid interfaces
Christian Kumpf, Jülich, Germany

Probing oxide surface structure with surface X-ray diffraction
Rob Lindsay, Manchester, UK

Structure and dynamics of water at surfaces
Angelos Michaelides, London, UK

Mapping molecular motions with ultrabright electrons
Dwayne Miller, Toronto, Canada

Surface structure and activity in heterogeneous catalysis: A density functional theory study
Penjun Hu, Belfast, UK

Quantum computing at the atomic-scale in silicon
Michelle Simmons, Sydney, Australia 

Surface structure determination using fast atom diffraction
Helmut Winter, Berlin, Germany

ICSOS Committee

Renee Diehl (chair), USA 
Georg Held (vice chair), UK 
Keith Mitchell (past chair), Canada 
Katariina Pussi (secretary-treasurer),  Finland 
Phil Woodruff (conference chair), UK 
Michel Van Hove (webmaster), Hong Kong 
Mike Altman, Hong Kong 
Von Braun Nascimento, Brazil
Vagner de Carvalho, Brazil 
Ed Conrad, USA
Ulrike Diebold, Austria 
Chuck Fadley, USA 
Joost Frenken, Netherlands 
Thomas Greber, Switzerland 
Xiaofeng Jin, China 
Julian Ledieu, France 
Laurie Marks, USA 
Anders Mikkelsen, Sweden 
John O'Connor, Australia 
Rossitza Pentcheva, Germany 
Rasmita Raval, UK 
Petra Rudolf, Netherlands 
Cathy Stampfl, Australia 
Andreas Stierle, Germany
Pat Thiel, USA 
Geoff Thornton, UK 
Elias Vlieg, Netherlands 
Qi Kun Xue, China 
Han Woong Yeom, Korea 
Ilona Zasada, Poland 
Junfa Zhu, China 

Local organising committee

Phil Woodruff (chair) - Physics Department, University of Warwick
Heike Arnolds, Chemistry Department, University of Liverpool
Wendy Brown, Chemistry Department, University College London
Giovanni Costantini, Chemistry Department, University of Warwick
Georg Held, Chemistry Department, University of Reading
Chris McConville, Physics Department, University of Warwick
James O'Shea, Physics Department, University of Nottingham
Rasmita Raval, Chemistry Department, University of Liverpool
Steve Tear, Physics Department, University of York
Geoff Thornton, Chemistry Department, University College London

poster.pdf1.24 MB